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Daniel Ihnot

Position: Treasurer

Greetings! I am serving my first term on the NFPPRD Board, after being elected in 2022.
My interest in serving on the Board came from a point of civic responsibility. I feel it is important that those with the ability to help and serve our community do so, for the benefit of all.  As a husband and father of two young children we are very active and always looking for an opportunity to play. The recreation district has provided many opportunities for my family. My son started playing soccer 7 years ago.  Now my daughter can't wait for her second season. The pool and biking trails have been an endless source of fun for years. Our family is thankful for these opportunities. I am proud to be able to ensure these opportunities for future recreation.
My two plus years on the Board have seen many changes and achievements. I am proud to work and associate with so many people that share a common goal: helping our community enjoy an active, healthy lifestyle. The commitment and passion people have is inspiring. I’ve been moved to see a first-year lifeguard wrapping a shivering child in a towel, an adult skater taking the time to show young kids “skate park ethics,” a mountain bike team descending “H” hill in the late dusk preparing for a race.
I thank our community for your ongoing support. For all the people with roles big and small, thank you.